

  • Health Management at ANA

    ASIn April 2016, the ANA Group declared the "ANA Group Health DeclarationThe ANA Group declared the "ANA Group Health Declaration" in April 2016, and we are fostering a health-first corporate culture in which the company and its employees work together as one.ANAAS is fostering a health-first corporate culture in which the company and its employees work together with vigor and vitality.In FY2019, ANAAS will reorganize its past management goalsWe will set a new management vision and enhance the system to support the "mind and body" of our employees.We have declared that we will strengthen our efforts to improve health by enhancing the system to support theand strengthen our efforts to promote health and wellness.

    Health Challenges in ANAAS

    Main Initiatives

    In promoting health management, we are focusing on the following four areas to keep the PDCA cycle going.

    • 1.Health Management Initiatives
    • 2.Initiatives for Disease Prevention
    • 3.Initiatives Related to Mental Health
    • 4.Initiatives Related to Health and Safety Activities
    Specific Initiatives
    • Health App Utilization
    • Back Pain Prevention Experience
    • Exercises to prevent back pain before starting work
  • We have been certified as "Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023"!

    This is the fourth consecutive year that ANAAS has been certified, following FY2020.In addition to leading the ANA Group's health management, ANAAS will further enhance awareness of and support for employee health by achieving the health management indicators set forth by ANAAS (increasing the ratio of employees with appropriate BMI, reducing the number of people at risk of metabolic syndrome, and reducing the number of smokers), strengthening mental health measures and disease prevention efforts, enhancing health and safety activities, and linking this to work style reforms. We will further raise awareness of and provide support for employee health by strengthening mental health measures, disease prevention efforts, safety and health activities, and linking them to work style reforms!

  • ANAAS Health Care Indicators

      Percentage of BMI
    Appropriate Persons
    Percentage of
    Metabolic Syndrome Corresponding Ratio Body Complaint Ratio
    Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
    Target Value (2030) 66.9% 71.1% 28.1% 2.9% 16.2% 1.2% 26.5% 49.3%
    Results for 2022 66.5% 70.9% 28.7% 3.0% 16.5% 1.3% 27.4% 51.0%
    Results for 2021 67.1% 71.7% 28.4% 2.9% 19.6% 1.8% 23.9% 38.8%
    Results for 2020 66.6% 72.2% 30.3% 3.1% 15.1% 2.0% 24.7% 34.4%

    Health Management Indicators

    • Percentage of people with appropriate BMI: 18.5 ≤ BMI* < 25
      *BMI = weight in kg / (height in m)2
    • Smoking rate: Percentage of smokers
    • Metabolic syndrome rate: Percentage of people aged 40 and over with metabolic syndrome diagnosis of criteria applicable*.*Requisite → meets the criteria for abdominal circumference (85 cm or more for men, 90 cm or more for women) and has at least two additional risk factors for blood glucose, lipids, or blood pressure.Percentage of people with 3 or more physical complaints*.

    ※Target values for health management indicators are as of FY2023.

    Other Health Care Indicators
  • ANAAS Health Care Indicators

    The Wellness Leader leads the project (planning of measures to solve health issues and promotion of health management) in cooperation with the Tokyo Group Health Management Office and the ANA Group Health Insurance Association. In addition to the four health management indicators and mental health measures, ANAAS is promoting health management aimed at raising employee awareness of health issues, such as the chronic problem of back pain.
